Acuity Pro Features
56 button remote control - Unique to Acuity Pro!
The 56 button remote control was released with Version 7 and controls all Acuity Pro functions. The remote buttons are labeled consistent with the Acuity Pro keyboard hot keys. An overlay on the remote details the function of each button. For example, the button with the label 'S' has the word 'Snellen' written below it. Pressing this button brings up the Snellen chart exactly like pressing the 'S' key on the keyboard. Ten programmable buttons (F3 - F12) are available for customization - including the ability to create macros for sequential screen presentations.
Smart RandomizationTM and Always Random
This great feature creates a random line of letters that have a recognition difficulty equal to any other random line of letters. Some Snellen letters are more difficult to recognize than others. An example of a difficult letter to recognize is the B or the S. Easy letters are T and L. With Smart RandomizationTM, each line is equally as difficult as any other random line. It makes acuity testing more accurate. Also when randomizing, the default Snellen letter sequence is the first sequence presented for each Snellen size so you don't have to worry about looking at the chart each time you change size. Even if you have 'Randomized' the current display, when you change the letter size up or down, the standard sequence will be the first displayed for the next set of letters. If you would rather have random letters 'Always On', just go into the control panel and check the 'Always Random' box. This will always display a random letter sequence.
Three Known Letter Sets for Each Line in Single Line Mode
Introduced in Version 8, this user requested feature provides three known letter sets for each line of letters. For example, from the Snellen chart, press the '2' on the remote or keyboard to display the default Snellen 20/20 line: T Z V E C L. Press '2' again and L O Z B D E is displayed. Press '2' again and V F N S P Z is displayed. Press '2' again and you are returned to T Z V E C L. This is great for straight room, single monitor or All-In-One computer setups where the doctor is facing the patient and cannot see the screen without turning around. Instead of pushing the random button, press the remote or keyboard key corresponding to the current acuity row to display a different line of letters that you know - but the patient doesn't.
Hot Keys
If you choose not to use our new remote control, you can operate Acuity Pro with the standard keyboard. Every function and display option can be accessed by a single key stroke called a 'hot key'. We have tried to make the keys as intuitive as possible so they will be easy to learn. Most of our users have found it only takes a few times using the program to become familiar with the keys. If you forget, reference the Acuity Pro mouse pad or press 'F1' for Help.
Standard Snellen Chart
The Snellen chart is the default optotype with the standard order of letters (T Z V E C L) as default. Press the 'S' button to invoke this optotype. When the random button is pressed, the letters are replaced with a random set.
Sloan 5x5 Chart
Standard Sloan letters, which have the same width and height (5x5 aspect ratio), are included with Acuity Pro. There are 10 letters in this optotype set.
Tumbling E and C Charts
The Tumbling E and C charts are great for young children or illiterates where single letter mode is preferred.
Number Chart
The number chart, just like the Tumbling C and E charts, helps with those patients who may have trouble with letters. Press the 'N' button to change to this optotype.
Picture Optotype
The picture chart is another way to test children. High resolution monitors provide the ability to display this chart down to 20/10. Press the 'P' button to change to this optotype.
LogMAR Charts
All optotypes can be displayed in LogMAR size and notation. This feature can be set in Preferences by pressing 'H' and selecting LogMAR.
Mirror Display
For mirrored rooms, enable the Mirror Display feature in Preferences by pressing 'H' and clicking on the Mirror Display option. The chart is displayed in a reversed presentation. As opposed to mirrored rooms with a bulb projector, this feature requires only one mirror and it does not have to be a front surface mirror.
Red/Green Overlay
This is a standard red/green overlay, which is available for all optotypes. It can be used with single letter, single line or multi-line display, all letter sizes and mirrored setups.
Astigmatic Charts
Acuity Pro includes the standard 12 point, 3 line astigmatic wheel or clock dial and the 'shower drain' astigmatic chart. The astigmatic 'A' button toggles between the charts each time it is pressed.
4 Dot Test
Use the red/blue glasses included with Acuity Pro to check stereopsis with your patients. It is a great way to check for malingering. Acuity Pro provides the option to adjust the red/blue screen to get that perfect color block.
Fixation Disparity
Use the red/blue glasses to check fixation disparity. The fixation disparity 'F2' button is another dual function button that toggles between a fixation disparity chart with a fusion lock and one without.
HOTV Chart
The entire chart consists of only the letters H, O, T and V. The patient is given the HOTV card, included with Acuity Pro, and asked to point to the letter on the card that corresponds with the letter on the screen. The simplicity of this chart allows it to be used with non-verbal patients, patients with developmental disabilities and patients who do not know (or are too young to know) the English alphabet. The HOTV and number charts are included to increase accuracy when testing young children and others who have difficulty with standard charts. We believe these chart are more accurate than the Allen picture chart and suggest the HOTV or number chart as the chart of preference for this patient population.
Blanking Feature
This is a great way to quickly and completely black the screen. Instead of having to turn your monitor off and on every time you want to do ophthalmoscopy - or any test or procedure that requires a very dark room, just press 'B'. We have also added a second screen, the 'white out' screen. Press 'B' again to switch back and forth between black and white screens.
Fixation Dot
A standard white on black Fixation Dot is available by pressing 'D'. It can be resized using the '+' or '-' keys.
User Defined Keys and Macro Function
There are ten user defined keys (F3 - F12) available that allow assignment of any sequence of hotkey keystrokes to a single Function key. This allows a single key to display a 20/25 line or a single key to jump to a single line display of 20/60 letters or whatever you want. You can store an entire exam sequence of charts to a single button on the remote and step through the sequence by repeatedly pressing the assigned Function key.
Speedy AcuityTM
Speedy Acuity was first introduced by Acuity Pro based on user request. It provides a single or double column of descending size optotypes for that really quick acuity check. Press 'Y' to toggle between single and double column display.
Single Letter Display
Press 'O' for 'One Letter' display. This feature works for all sizes and optotypes and is great for ductions.
Single Line Display
A single Line of letters is displayed by pressing 'L'. This feature works for all optotypes. The line can be shortened - or lengthened - one letter at a time by repeatedly pushing the 'L'.
Multi-Line Display
Depending on optotype size, up to 4 lines of letters can be displayed at one time. MUlti-line is accessed by pressing 'U'.
Based on user request, the ability to choose 4, 3 or 2 lines of letters on the multi-line screen was added to Acuity Pro. Simply press 'U' repeatedly to change the number of lines!
Vertical Line Display
Some doctors prefer to use a vertical line of letters for phoria testing. Press 'V' to invoke this feature. Please note this feature is only available as 20/40.
U.S./Metric/Decimal/LogMAR Display
The optotype size can be displayed using any of the four display options. Press 'H' to select.
ANSI Spacing
You have the option of ANSI standard spacing for the displayed optotypes. Open Preferences by pressing 'H' and check the ANSI box. All multi-line and single line displays will be spaced according to the international ANSI standard.
Ocular Pathology Image Library
Acuity Pro includes approximately 50 high resolution images of common ocular pathologies. These images are invaluable in explaining ocular conditions to your patients in a professional - and expeditious - manner. This feature alone can shave minutes off patient education time.
Big E-Z Image Finder
Press 'Z' to access the Photo Gallery. Press the 'Up' or 'Down' arrow on the remote ('Page Up' or 'Page Down' key on the keyboard) to quickly scroll through the list of all available images. When you find the desired title, press 'Select' on the remote ('Enter' on the keyboard) to display the image. The titles are large enough to be seen from across the room so you can browse from the exam chair. The video library selections are accessed in the same manner.
Red/Green Circles
This feature displays a split screen red/green field which contain two sets of concentric black circles. This is a good tool for doing a red/green balance.
Slide Show Option
Up to 9 different slide shows can be created from the Image Library. Import your scenic European vacation photos or marketing photos that highlight the practice's areas of speciality. Only imported photos can be selected for the slide show. There is also an option to set the delay for each slide change.
Masking Feature
Mask a single line or single letter of the chart by pushing 'M'. This feature also reduces the brightness of the screen for patients with light sensitivity.
Video Player
Import any wmv video file and show it directly from Acuity Pro. This is an excellent way to maintain a child's attention while performing retinoscopy or to show practice promotion videos. Included are several cartoons, a LASIK clip and a punctal plug insertion video. Video play lists can also be created.
Crowding Bars
Press 'K' to display the crowding bars around a single optotype. This is the most accurate way to test acuity on an amblyopic eye.
Acuity Pro includes the six standard ETDRS charts to meet the protocol requirements for research. Press 'I' to access these charts. The variable contrast feature is available for these charts as well as randomization. Press 'J' for the variable contrast feature.
Variable Contrast Letter Set
This feature allows relative contrast from 0 to 30 percent It is a great way to test pre- and post- LASIK patients for contrast sensitivity. Press 'J' to invoke this feature.
Acuity Pro Complete All-In-One System!
All-In-One Digital Acuity System with Acuity Pro License
The Acuity Pro Digital Acuity System includes an All-In-One Computer, wall mount, wireless keyboard, license key, Acuity Pro remote, Acuity Pro mousepad, HOTV card.
Acuity Pro Ten License – (computer not included) Software Only
Go Green! Install Acuity Pro on your EMR computer and add a second monitor. In the event of a catastrophic hardware failure, move the license key to another Windows computer, reinstall Acuity Pro and patient flow is back to normal in minutes – not days.
Included in this purchase: License key, Acuity Pro remote control, HOTV card, Acuity Pro mouse pad.