Essilor TESS Family of Frame Tracers
Essilor Tess Tracer L12004
For every need there is a specific TESS tracer
Everything you need from a perfect tracer
Binocular tracing of all shapes, even the most intricate and high curved
Optimal rim contact without frame deformation ensured by patented tilted stylus
Tracing cycle adaptable to frame shape and thickness, with auto-recognition of the frame material
High accuracy trace data optimized for remote ordering and remote edging
Robust design. Long term stability for low frequency of calibration
OMA protocol compatibility – Easy integration in an Essibox network
200 integrated shapes memory
Optional barcode reader
Manufactured by Essilor | CE- and UL-certified
Essilor E-Tess Tracer L11002
A Touch Screen for Ease of Use
In addition to the performance of the Tess tracer, E-Tess model offers even more:
1:1 scale shape display to easily validate scanned shapes
A large set of shape modifications: B and ½ B dimensions, A and ½ A dimensions and scaling.
1,000 shapes of internal memory storage
Manufactured by Essilor | CE- and UL-certified
Essilor L-Tess Tracer L11012
More Comfort at a More Intensive Rate
In addition to the performance of the E-Tess tracer, L-Tess model offers:
User comfort optimized for natural position of the neck and back
Raised tilted touch screen
Increased robustness of motors for higher production and durability
Manufactured by Essilor | CE- and UL-certified